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App library: To access MOH reviewed apps click here Mobile apps are made to support lifestyle, disease management, mental wellbeing and behaviour change, but how do you know if they work, or they are safe to use? Our library, currently funded by the Ministry of Health, comprises of apps that have been reviewed by a range of experts, so you can decide which ones are right for you.  

Age Concern:

Alcohol and Drug abuse.  Link for local help Community Alcohol and Drug Services (CADS) is an Auckland-based organisation providing free treatment for those with alcohol and or other drug problems. Counselling and advice is also provided for family and friends concerned about another’s drug use. Alcohol Drug: 



Beating the blues online CBT for depression and anxiety:

Blood Pressure: 

Blue September: 0800 4 PROSTATE (0800 477 678)

Bowel Cancer : Information

Bowel Screening

Breast Screening and Breast Cancer: Breast Screening

CADS : Community Alcohol and Drug Services (CADS) Auckland

Altered High Youth Service: Alcohol and drug service              

Disposal of unwanted medicine properly : DUMP

CALM: Computer Assisted Learning for the Mind. CALM

Cervical ScreeningCervical Screening

Chicken Pox: Link

Chlamydia: Link

Cholesterol: Link

Coeliac disease/ gluten intolerance

Contraception: Family Planning website:  Contraception your choice: Link for Chart: pdf Chart Contraception you choice: Link for Pamphlet: Pamphlet


Daffodil Day

Deaf Aotearoa. Resources

Depression: Link

DermNet NZ Skin topics A-Z

Diabetes: Link

Disposal of unwanted medicine properly : DUMP

Ear Wax: Dilworth Wolfe Hearing

Eczema: Link

Epilepsy: Link

Fats: Nutrition

Family Planning: Link


F A S T Stroke: Think F A S T

Gambling: Help line

Gardasil: FREE HPV vaccine helps protect against the types of HPV that are responsible for causing HPV cancers and genital warts. For more information:  HPV vaccine for Men HPV vaccine for Women HPV vaccine for Parents or click here

Gluten intolerance

Gonorrhoea: Sexual Health 


Health and Disability Commissioner

Healthpoint provides up-to-date information about healthcare providers, referral expectations, services offered and common treatments.

Healthpages: Healthpages website for finding NZ health services and professionals and seeing their special interests and the full range of services they provide -Nationwide and helpful for making appointments:  

Hearing Loss: Hearing Loss: Dilworth: Hearing Loss: Wolfe Hearing

Heart Foundation:

Heart Foundation: Are you at risk of having a Heart Attack or Stroke?

Herpes: Sexual Health

History of Drury

HPV immunisation

Health Navigator App Library: Mobile apps are made to support lifestyle, disease management, mental wellbeing and behaviour change, but how do you know if they work, or they are safe to use? Our library, currently funded by the Ministry of Health, comprises of apps that have been reviewed by a range of experts, so you can decide which ones are right for you.  

Health Navigator





health Links

Disclaimer: Our practice does not have any input into the content of the other Internet sites linked on this page.

Health Navigator App Library: Mobile apps are made to support lifestyle, disease management, mental wellbeing and behaviour change, but how do you know if they work, or they are safe to use? Our library, currently funded by the Ministry of Health, comprises of apps that have been reviewed by a range of experts, so you can decide which ones are right for you.  

Health Navigator


Immunisation for older children

Infant crying

Influenza: Fight the Flu

Interpreting and translation service

Iron Deficiency: Link

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and FODMAP diet

J K Journal: Depression

Kids health: Link

Labtests: Link

Liquid nitrogen: Cryotherapy

Maori Health:

o    Ministry of Health Maori Health  :  Ministry of Health He Korowai Oranga: Maori Health Strategy

o    Te Reo sign – ‘Care’

o    Te Reo sign – ‘Facilities’

o    Te Reo sign – ‘Greetings’

o    Te Reo sign – ‘Parts of the body'

Measles: Diseases and illnesses

Measles Outbreak in Auckland 2019

Meningococcal Disease: Diseases and illnesses

Meningitis ACWY

Please read all four links below for information on Meningitis ACWY

  1. Immunisation advisory centre recommendations

  2. Information

  3. Purchase of non-funded meningococcal vaccines

  4. Northland community Meningococcal W vaccination programme

Mental Health

  • Need to talk 1737 free call or text any time for support from a trained counsellor.

Midwives: Maternity

Mindfulness and Wellbeing Courses

Moleman: Services and pricing visit

Movember: Men's Health

National Screening Unit: Time to screen Find out more

                                                Bowel Screening

                                                Breast Screening

                                                Cervical Screening

Nits: Headlice

Obesity:  Link

Pacific Peoples Health: Link

Papakura Marae

Pelvic Floor Exercises: Physiotherapy

Poisons Centre:  IN CASE OF POISONING:

Please contact your local Poison Information Service immediately: New Zealand: 0800 POISON (0800 764 766) Find other centres here Or seek medical advice from another health professional

Positive Parenting Program Find out about Triple P

Pregnancy: Maternity

Privacy of Patient Data; Procare Wednesday 18 July 2018

Prostate Check: Mens health

Prostate Cancer I want to learn about prostate cancer

Quitline: Smoking cessation

Rape Crisis Centre: 

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Information on Health Navigation

Rotavirus: Immunity

Sexual Health: Family planning

Shingles: Immunity

 The Shielded Site Project We’ve made asking for help safer than ever.

Skin Cancer and Mole Checks

Skylight: Skylight is a not-for-profit national organisation that provides unique and specialised support to children, young people and their families /whānauthrough change, loss, trauma and grief – whatever the cause. 

Smoking Cessation: Quit

Stress: Healthy living

Stroke: Think F A S T

The low down for young adults

Travelers' Health Drury Surgery Travel Health Advice document .and Travel-Questionnaire document

Triple P Find out about Positive Parenting

Vaccinations: Immunisations

Victim Support: 

Weight loss: Healthy living

Well Child Checks: Kids health

Whooping Cough: Disease and illnesses

Womens RefugeThe Shielded Site Project We’ve made asking for help safer than ever.